Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ashley and I Somewhere in Granville Island

The best part of PuSh shows is usually the relieving moment when I realize that someone else from my class is there. At Clark and I, I luckily bumped into Ashley after wandering down to the playhouse through the mostly empty, dark and wet Granville Island. Anyone else think the place looks like something out of Roger Rabbit? Like a really seedy cartoon?

SPEAKING OF RABBITS... I don't really like rabbits. Big ones are worse. I'm not scared of them or anything, but I am now. Clark and I seems to play on the idea of realities, and what is important in a story. Throughout the performance, layers of truth are stripped away, and by the end, we are left with a version of the story much different from what we initially believe to be true. It really was quite brilliant. Uncomfortable, yes, and perhaps not altogether as entertaining as, say, The Show Must Go On (although some funny moments were present), but still very well done. Actually, scratch that. It was more entertaining than The Show Must Go On.

Humour is important in keeping the audience in the play and with the Rabbit. We absolutely must empathize with this character, because if we don't, we would be quickly seriously creeped out. He is likable in the pathetic sense; he clearly is crossing a line and disrespecting the family of which he is engaging with, but he does so in a way that we feel sorry for him most of all. Despite his candor, we cannot and should not trust him. As the levels of truth are stripped away and facts become questions, the audience cannot know if anything the Rabbit is saying is true. Which family are the stories about, his, or theirs? If his, why use another's names? If theirs, then how was he able to match up the pictures so well? If he could, you would think he would have the memories and moments that the other family did. Even so, the moments are shown to be forced and faked. By the end of the play, nothing is true and we are left wondering what the Rabbit was trying to prove. Perhaps he is trying to show that nothing is real and everything can be imitated. But to what end?

1 comment:

  1. There is definitely something about that rabbit suit that signifies the performer's desperation, both about the story he is trying to tell, and the imperfections of memory more generally.

